Friday, March 20, 2015

Farewell, dear column readers

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” -  Winnie the Pooh   

Winder, Barrow County and my lovely readers – this is “Goodbye.” Mr. Clark and I are in process of buying a lake house and if all goes as planned, we’ll be moving by mid-April. Sorting through 26 years of memories and possessions, preparing to downsize dramatically is a daunting, detail-filled task and I’m afraid even if I applied myself with fervor and urgency 15 hours a day between now and then, I won’t get everything that needs doing done. Hence, my “Goodbye.”

I’ve had a good run as a columnist in this community. I appreciate each and every person who has enjoyed or tolerated, turned first to or become angered by my work. It’s been fun to be recognized, hugged and complimented - not so fun to be yelled at or typed harshly about. I’ve enjoyed hearing that my words have had a positive impact on a stranger who introduces him or herself at an event or a store. And, I’ve done my share of ducking behind racks or hustling to the next aisle when I recognize someone who’s not so fond of me.

My first column appeared in the Barrow Eagle newspaper in the fall of 1994. Either the readers liked my work or the thin start-up the Eagle was at the time needed space filler…probably a combination of both led to me share weekly musings for the next six years. That was a busy time in my life. I worked full time at the paper as a reporter/ photographer and eventually became the features editor. My kids were in middle and high school during those years and it was such a pleasure to be able to cover their events, as well as attend them.

My columns in those days were about the kids, my experiences as their mother, local events, local politics and other thoughts as they occurred. My editor told me “a columnist’s agenda should be to inform the public, offer a fresh viewpoint, stir vigorous debate or to raise hell.” I took his words to heart and applied myself. The columns people seemed to like the most were my rants about local shenanigans, as well as the ones that brought a tear to the eye - some tender mother’s memory or a remembrance of a fallen friend or pet.

Those were good times, as a newspaper person and as a columnist…When the Eagle sold and I had to take a break from peddling my words. I missed my family of readers and the reactions I generated, a lot.   

I got another shot at column writing when the Barrow Journal started up in the fall of 2008. My old publisher called up the publisher of the new paper and told him he “had to have” my work. Imagine my surprise when my new publisher called and asked if I’d return to column writing. I was both flattered and scared…What if I didn’t have anything to say?

My run as a BJ columnist was a good one, as well. As with the Eagle, I ended up reporting, taking pictures and becoming the features editor for a while. I taped my old editor’s quote about “a columnist’s agenda” near my home work station and did my best to live up to it. By this time, my kids were grown and the things I had to write about were different – the musings of an older person, with a different perspective. There were still local events and causes, and by this time, I was involved with animal rescues and feeding the hungry. These things provided inspiration and plenty to write about. As for the rant columns, still based on local shenanigans, they were once again quite popular and so much fun to write.  

During the BJ years, I generated more tears, got more hugs and the hate mail was, at times, frightening. It’s interesting to be loved and hated, with equal fervor, by readers in the same community.

When I left the BJ in 2013, it was with the hope of being elected to serve in a political capacity. When my best efforts fell a bit short, I had the good fortune of joining the Barrow County News as a weekly columnist. This has been an honor and pleasure for me. The political campaign took its toll and one result was that my desire to rant and/or fight public battles with my words died. My goal in sharing my thoughts in this paper has been to interest or possibly provoke thought, to promote local events and causes, and share pieces of my personal world. The stories I tell about animals are by far, the most popular.   

I don’t know if I’ll ever write a column again…I’ll have to wait for the moving dust to settle and get our home established again. I will challenge myself to post photos and thoughts about the “new life” and other things on my blog. It’s  Please feel free to check in and see what I’ve been up to.       

Ernie Harwell said, “It’s time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure. “ And so, off I go…Take good care, dear readers and friends. I’m going to miss you all, so much.




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